



通常字典我會三種字典: 英英字典/英漢字典作比對


oxford dictionary

cambridge dictionary ->my favorite


1. free and clear

a. without owing any money

b. without debt or legal claims

EX. They paid off the mortgage and own their house free and clear.


2. spill the beans  灑了豆子

to tell people the secret information

EX. I will draw a birthday party for my dad turning 66. Don't spill the beans.


3. cynical

a. believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere.

b. contemptously distrustful of human nature and motives.

 EX. I think Jenny is a little bit cynical about everything.


4.eccentric  怪異的; 古怪的  

strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way.  

EX. I really felt the same thing as you, why does Tom always wear eccentric clothes in workforce?


5. contempt (contemptuous / contempt

a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something 

b. the act of despising; the state of mind of one who dispises

EX. He wouldn't answer a woman he held in such contempt.



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